For those of you who love bananas, you can try the following foods. Yes, this is a recipe for split banana ice, or better known as a banana split recipe. This split banana can be eaten by anyone. This ice is usually preferred by children.
Because in general kids love ice cream. In this ice you can combine bananas with various flavors from ice cream and a little fruit. Banana split can not only be found in a café or restaurant. Now this ice has penetrated into a five-star restaurant as one of the desserts. The following materials and how to make banana split.

- 25 grams of sugar
- 150 ml of water
- 100 grams meses
- 500 grams of shaved ice
- 5 plantains, cut into pieces
- 5 strawberries, wash and drain
- 1 teaspoon of yellow powder
- 3 tablespoons red syrup
- 5 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk
- Mix the gelatin powder of yellow, water, and sugar into one. Cook while stirring until boiling. Lift.
- Pour into a square shape mold, allow it to cool and harden. Cut into pieces.
- Prepare a glass or serving bowl, place and arrange bananas, strawberries, gelatinous pieces, shaved ice, red syrup, and sweetened condensed milk.
- Sprinkle meses on top, serve immediately.
- For those of you housewives who have a baby, this ice can be your choice to persuade your child to eat fruits. But one thing that needs to be considered is that mothers do not give ice in excessive portions because excessive sweetness can damage your child's teeth. You can create banana ice split according to your desire, you can add other fruits or decorate as creatively as possible. Hopefully this recipe will benefit you. Good luck!